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The ambassadors of Italy and Argentina were awarded the Honorary awards of the Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music

As part of the event for the 214th anniversary of the May Revolution in Argentina and the 78th anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic, “Musical Meetings: Ukraine-Argentina-Italy” on the main stage of the UNTAM the president of the UNTAM Maksym Tymoshenko presented the Ambassador of the Italian Republic to Ukraine Pier Francesco Zazo and the Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to Ukraine Elena Leticia Teresa Mikusinski the highest honors of the Academy – the Order of the UNTAM for supporting the UNTAM and for the significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian culture.

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A powerful appeal by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to achieve peace

On May 21, 2024, a video conference was held with the Chinese figures of culture and science as part of the international project of Ukraine and China “I am with you” in support of peace with the participation of the head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak, president of the UNTAM Maksym Tymoshenko, president of the “Yunchang Lady” company Zhao Yongchang, president of the Hebei International Academy of Music and Arts named after P. Tchaikovsky Jan Hepin, Chinese students and post-graduate students of the UNTAM.

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Honorary guests of the Academy were awarded the UNTAM Order

Famous musicians Peter Brainer (Great Britain) and Oleksiy Yavtukhovich (USA) took part in the concert for the 160th anniversary of Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music.
As a sign of respect, the rector of the conservatory Maksym Tymoshenko awarded the musicians who came to Kyiv during the war with the UNTAM Order.

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